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Ruswarp Church of England Primary School Think for Yourself and Act for Others

Our Window, Our Mirror & Our Door

As part of a broad and balanced curriculum, schools are required to promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils at the school and of society. Included in this is the expectation that schools will actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. 

Our Window, Mirror and Door allows us to:

Our Window


This is how we value the world around us and will base this on our awareness and understanding of the British values of democracy, the rule of law, tolerance and mutual respect and individual liberty. We will focus on how we demonstrate these values in school through our various committees and curriculum, through work on anti-discrimination, awareness of other religious celebrations and through our behaviour policy. We will have a programme to incorporate this into Collective Worship with links to Christian teaching and inviting organisations into school.

Our Mirror 


These are the values by which we look at ourselves and reflect how we wish to behave. The core values to focus on will be: Kindness, Respect, Friendship, Forgiveness and Thankfulness. At Ruswarp, these are principles which are embedded into our daily life at school in terms of our conduct and approach to our learning and each other. We link these principles to our Collective Worship, to bible stories and to our behaviour policy and our rewards system. We will also focus on Growth Mindset as a way of supporting our ‘Think for Yourself’ element.



Our Door


This is the fundamental value that we find from Christian teachings which makes us want and desire to make a difference to each other

and the world and go out ‘via the door’ to make a contribution to society, both in school, at home, nationally and internationally. We will continue to focus on our identified Christian Values but also on the key Christian value of love and that we have to love and care enough to make courageous changes for the better.

We teach our children:


  • Opportunities to reflect on our own experiences.
  • Looking inside yourself.
  • Consider life's big questions and reach for some possible answers.
  • Learning from life by exploring our own insights and those of others.



  • Opportunities for children to be aware of the world in new ways, looking out into the world.
  • To wonder about life's 'WOWS. Things that are amazing.
  • To think about life's 'OWS' that take us by surprise!
  • Learning about life in all its fullness.
  • Learning about Christianity and other religions
  • British Values



    • Opportunities for children to respond.
    • Moving onto a new path or situation.
    • To do something creative to develop and apply our ideas.
    • Learning to live out our beliefs and values
    • Supporting the community